Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Call sheet for cast and crew 3

Call Sheet

Day 3 of 3
Location: White room

Crew call time:
Louis: 12pm

Expected time:
Louis: 12:30pm

Scene List.
First scene. 1 character Oscar (me)
Talk into camera: (trial and test. Human vaccine 1, commencing in 3,2,1..)
5 secs.

Second scene. 1 character Oscar (me)
Hold up and flick syringe, Look at patient.
3 secs.

Third scene. 1 character Oscar (me)

(heartbeat decreasing, body temperature lowering)
4 secs.

Fourth scene: 2 characters Oscar (me) and Louis
wait 1 sec Louis jump up at me

3 secs.

Additional information
needle and syringe could be a potential health and safety problem.

Monday, 25 October 2010

Call sheet for cast and crew 2

Call Sheet

Day 2 of 3
Location: House

Crew call time:
Matt: 3pm
Tristan: 5pm
Charlie: 3pm
Louis: 3pm

Expected time:
Matt: 3:30pm
Tristan: 7pm
Charlie: 3:30pm
Louis: 3:30pm

Scene List.
First scene. 1 character Tristan
Scream into camera
1 secs.

Second scene. 2 characters Matt and Charlie.
Swat team moving along corridor 2
4 secs.

Third scene. 3 characters Matt and Charlie and Louis
Swat team Moving along corridor, Louis grabs Matt and pulls him into bathroom
4 secs.

Fourth scene: 3 characters Charlie and Matt and Louis
Swat team open door to attic and move towards door, Louis jumps out

6 secs.

Additional information
Charlie Robbers: Diabetes, insulin pump required.

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Call Sheet for cast and crew 1

Call Sheet

Day 1 of 3
Location: House

Crew call time:
Matt: 6:30pm
Tristan: 6:30pm
Charlie: 6:30pm
Louis: 5pm

Expected time:
Matt: 7pm
Tristan: 7pm
Charlie: 7pm
Louis: 5:30pm

Scene List.
First scene. 2 characters Matt and Charlie.
Swat team in street moving into building
3 secs.

Second scene. 2 characters Matt and Charlie.
Swat team moving along corridor.
5 secs.

Third scene. 2 characters Matt and Charlie.
Swat team progressing up stairs.
4 secs.

Fourth scene: 4 characters Matt and Charlie, Louis and Tristan
Swat team moving along second corridor, Louis and Tristan jump out and run at camera.
6 secs.

Fifth scene: 2 characters Charlie and Tristan
Charlie drags Tristan from behind a door way. (Tristan disappearing from door way)
2 secs.

Additional information
Charlie Robbers: Diabetis, insulin pump required.

Friday, 15 October 2010

Test Footage

This is a range of the many clips I managed to take on the first day of shooting. The shooting when to plan with the help of call sheets and a shot log.

I'm very pleased with the way the film has come out, the torches made the shots perfectly lit, as I was hoping to get darker shots. I also like the blue (cold) effect which was on my camera, I really think it has given the clip a very nice effect. I has made the shots look slightly creepier and looking at a few existing films like Quarantine you can see there are uses of blue filters.

The hand held tips I looked at also helped and I used many of the tips they gave me to steady the camera, which also looked very good as I was worried about too much camera motion which may have blurred it, especially as it was very dark.

I was also very happy with the zombies and the swat team, and the props used, I think the dark light helped as the makeshift costumes look fairly real.

I will mute all sound as I was slightly disappointed with the cameras recording quality, It produced a buzz which would put off the viewer. So instead of the diagetic sounds I will add some stock sounds from Logic to lay over where needed.

Over all I am very happy with the way the clips have come out. I will now have to film the scientist scene and a few more of the house clips in later days. I will produce a Call sheet with a shot log for each day.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Call Sheets

How to Create Daily Call Sheets for Independent Film

Daily call sheets are imperative to organising a film shoot. They help your crew and cast to be organised, on time and prepared, and help keep your production on schedule. Essentially, it is your plan for what is going to be shot on any given day.


At the end of your shoot day, create the call sheet for the following day.

Start with basic information, the date, what day of the shoot it is (such as Day 2 of 9) and where the location is. List your crew call time (example 7 a.m.) and the time you expect to begin shooting (example 8:30 a.m.).

Start with the first scene of the day. List the scene number, the numbers of the cast needed for that scene (See How to Breakdown a Script for Film Production Scheduling), and the cast call time.

Complete the above step for each scene to be shot that day.

Include additional crew information toward the bottom of the page, for example extras needed, stand-ins, etc.

Distribute to all cast and crew before they leave the set at the end of the shoot day.

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Different types of a film poster

There may be several versions of a film poster for one film - as it can vary depending on country, size of poster and also the content of the film.

Which, could mean that the poster is one of the first things made (after a rough cut) which can be based on what the film includes, however, if they add in a new/different scene then that could effect the film poster due to the different meanings.

Different types of a film poster:
  • Teaser poster: gives off some idea about the film.
  • Character poster: using the poster to promote some of the actors who are in the film.
  • Motion poster: a new style of poster which is animated.

Friday, 1 October 2010

Poster Analysis

After carefully analyzing film posters from recent times, I have come to the conclusion that a film poster should include:
  1. The film title
  2. The actors/actresses names who are starring in the film - either at the top, bottom or next to their picture
  3. Should include a still picture from the film or the picture should be relevant to the subject of the film
  4. Should include any nominations or awards that the film has received at the top or bottom - near where the actor and actresses names are
  5. They should also give the audience some direction as to when the film is being released
  6. The use of a tag line, to suggest genre of film.
  7. Should be seldom suggestive of what the genre of the film is. Could use colours, font, mis en-scene (such as the clothing, make up and hair in the pictures) and also the look - simple or busy.
  8. Age certification should be displayed - usually in the bottom right corner of the poster.