Friday 15 April 2011


The filming of my trailer was a great success, I managed to film all the necessary scenes with in only three days of shooting. I shot the film on a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FH20 (black).

Day One, I managed to film the majority of the shots involving both the swat team and the zombies as all the actors were available. I followed closely to my shot log and story board. Unfortunately the lighting was very low with the outside shots, which made it hard to see the swat team as they moved into the building.

Day Two, I self filmed the scientist shots as I had planned to be involved in the filming as a characture. I set the camera up using a tripod and borrowed a scientists lab coat from school and wore my own shirt and tie to symblosie authority and power. I shot these scenes against a white wall to give the impression of a lab. I also focused on making the shots here extremely bright and white which had a huge contrast with the rest of the shots as they are dark, which I hoped would create a heaven/hell theme.

Day Three, I finalised the filming prosess with a few clips of the actors who could make it. My brother included played a big part as he was the main zombie and a friend who played one of the two swat team members who was also featured alot in the filming.

Although I shot very early in the year, which may have raised a few possible problems, I managed to capture everything I needed and exactly how I wished it had turned out.

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